2017-10 – Earthquake in the Bukavu-Nyia-Ngezi region (RDC)

A felt earthquake of magnitude 4.3 occurred SSW of Bukavu on 08 Oct 2017 at 17:06:33 UTC.
The event occurred at Lat 2.65 °S + 2km /  Lon 28.74 °E + 5km.
Location of the felt earthquake. Pink ellipse shows the uncertainty in the location.
Waveforms recorded by the KivuSNet seismic network.

These results were obtained using KivuSnet seismic data (Oth el al., 2016) . The event was reviewed by a seismologist.

– Oth et al.  (2016), KivuSNet: The First Dense Broadband Seismic Network for the Kivu Rift Region (Western Branch of East African Rift), Seismological Research Letters, doi:10.1785/0220160147/-/DC1