This page presents an overview of some of the past and ongoing scientific projects developed by the BeLux scientific consortium in the Kivu region.
The research that we perform through these projects is constructed within a global view and a long-term vision which contrasts with the sliced vision of scientific projects. However, it is obvious that one cannot study all relevant aspects of volcanoes that are complex features evolving at the geological time scale, within the usual duration of a project (i.e. 1-4 years). In addition, any efforts to install and maintain instrumental networks in the particularly harsh practical and societal environment of the Kivu would be vain without such a global vision and larger-scale frame.
– GORISK (2007-2010) and GORISK Scientific Network
Beyond these initiatives, the BeLux consortium also continuously maintains and improves the volcano monitoring network, by providing regular help to the Goma Volcano Observatory (i.e. maintenance, replacement, adaptation of instruments, etc.), even during periods that are not covered by a project.
This long-term vision is of a crucial importance for volcano monitoring and hazard assessment in this region.